We are extremely pleased that we have begun a Micro-Finance project at the New ABC Divine Foundation Primary School. An organization called the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women (ICUUW) is sponsoring the program which will provide training for developing business plans and lending circles and for providing low interest loans to women in the village of Mutundwe where the school is located. The website for the ICUUW is: http://www.icuuw.com.
Mr. Abbey Ssejjuuko is our coordinator for the Micro-Finance project. The school will provide meeting space for trainings, meetings, and mentoring as the project develops. Here we see Abbey and our Liaison Officer Ssebunya Kizza outside the Uganda Global Distance Learning Center where Abbey got internationally trained and certified for this important work.
In February of 2014 over 70 women, ages 17 to 60-something who are all interested in starting a small business or expanding a current one, met at the ABC School for the kick-off of the MiFi project. Dr. Waun led the meeting, Ssebunya Kizza acted as translator, Coordinator Abbey Ssejjuuko—along with several teachers from the ABC School staff—helped the participants to fill out questionnaires that will be used to customize the training.
Click here to see a video clip taken during the training.
Micro-loans help people get started in small businesses that can improve the quality of life. Most loans are between $250 and $500. Imagine that! Such loans can finance sales inventory; small pieces of equipment for cooking, carpentry, crafting and many other trades; up-front costs for renting space, etc. The rate of successful payback is very high in these situations, allowing the money to then be lent again to other borrowers. Over time, the lives of many families are changed for the better.
If you would like to make a contribution to the Micro-Finance loan project, click here to see our “How You Can Help” page which tells you how to make your tax-free gift.