Sponsor a Child at the New ABC Divine Foundation Day and Boarding Primary School


With as little as $70 for a day student and $125 for a boarding student PER YEAR, you can offer the gift of education to a child in Uganda!

With as little as $175 PER YEAR for a day student and $450 PER YEAR for a boarding student, you can offer the gift of education to a child in Uganda!

Dear Friends,

If you are interested in sponsoring a day or boarding student, please email or call me as soon as possible. The school year begins in February and runs through the end of November, but there will always be children in school who are available to sponsor at any time. You may pay the yearly fee in its entirety at the time you begin your sponsorship or you may send it in smaller payments throughout the school year. When you decide to become a sponsor, you will receive a picture of the student you are helping and will receive regular updates about the school.


Please contact me for more information. I will send you details on how to send payment as well as the guidelines we have developed concerning communication and gifts for the children.


Your contributions are tax deductible, and 100% of your money goes to the school to pay for your child’s room, board, school uniform, and tuition. We do not know of any other child sponsorship program that can claim absolutely no overhead costs. We can do this because of the generous help and in-kind support of ARSF-USA friends.

Thank you so much for your interest!

Carolyn Glass, ARSF-USA Sponsorship Coordinator

