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African Rural Schools Foundation—an educational project in UgandaWelcome to the African Rural Schools Foundation USA—an educational project in Uganda


The Mission of ARSF-USA is to upgrade the quality of literacy, economy, health and well-being of the New ABC Divine Foundation Primary School in Mutundwe, Uganda by providing:


  • Funds for special projects not covered by tuition and school fees
  • Sponsorships for students who cannot afford to pay for school
  • Emotional support for students who are affected or orphaned by HIV/AIDS

The Chioldren of ARSF

WE ARE FORMING PARTNERSHIPS all over the world with people who care about African children who yearn for a bright future. We are looking for people who are generous in heart and spirit to help these children find hope as they seek better prospects for themselves, their families and their country.

The children of ARSFWE INVITE YOU to explore this site to see what we are doing at the New ABC Divine Foundation Primary School.  So many possibilities are coming to fruition because of people like you who see what a huge difference you can make with your caring and sharing.  A little goes a very long way in this part of the world.  Won’t you join our efforts?

Thank you!





  • Abbey Ssejjuuko has completed the Micro-Finance Training (click here for details)
  • Construction of retention wall and water diversion trenches (click here for photos)

VOLUNTEER REPORT Dr. Waun took volunteer Nancy Fitzgerald to Uganda for 12 days and:

  • Made a thorough assessment of water and electricity usage for planning purposes
  • Delivered supplies and restocked medicines for the school nurse’s office
  • Distributed over 200 pairs of handmade shorts to the boys at the school (click here for photos. and video)
  • Consulted school staff to update sponsorship needs
  • Held a very successful first meeting with village women seeking micro-finance help (click here for photos and video of the meeting)
  • Made arrangements with Dr. Mina from Uganda Cares to begin HIV testing and treatment at the school
  • Heard a lovely concert from the school band with new uniforms and instruments (click here for a video)
  • Had an enjoyable day at Lake Mburo (click here for photos)



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